Friday, May 22, 2009

How to Pokemon Booster Drafts - How do I know what to draft?

As I mentioned there are several reasons to participate in a booster draft.

1.To acquire specific cards to complete a modified format deck or collection.

2.To win the draft.

Sometime these two things are compatible, sometimes they are not. You have to have a clear objective going in, then you will know what to take and what to pass.

Remember when you open your first pack you get to take 1 card, the rest gets passed to your neighbor on either the left or the right.

When you open your pack that is the time you will get the "best" card because there is a rare card in every pack.

If you are lucky enough to get a pack that contains a Level X just take that one and pass the rest immediately.

If you open your pack and there is nothing there that you want for yourself, but something that other players are looking for, TAKE IT, you can trade it after the draft for something you do want.

After the first or second pass, the rare cards will be gone and then drafting becomes more difficult. If there is still a really great Pokemon that you want to build your draft deck around and it is uncommon take it, if it is a common, let it go, they will keep coming around over and over. What I do is take any supporter or helpful trainer that might be in the pack because we always need them and in a draft they can win you a game.

If you are serious about playing Pokemon you need a good variety of Trainers, supporters, and stadiums. If you are a beginning player I would urge you to take all you can get your hands on. Once you have those, building decks is a whole lot easier.

When I am drafting I like to keep my Pokemon lines to no more than 1 or 2 types. Because there is limited searching capabilities in any draft deck and most sets do not provide a method for accelerating evolution I like to stick with strong basics or stage 1 Pokemon.

If you get a really good stage 2 and multiple basics and stage 1 evolutions of that Pokemon, I say go for it. As a rule don't count on getting a 1 - 1 - 1 line in play, it never turns out well.

There is no 4 card limit in a booster draft. If you draft 6 of one Pokemon you may use them all in a booster draft.

When I do a booster draft I like to have 14 to 16 Pokemon, 5 to 6 Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums and 20 energy cards. That will usually work out well. You are building a 40 card deck.

I don't like to have too many different types of Pokemon in a booster draft deck. That makes it more difficult to get the right energy and Pokemon matched up. Keep an eye on the energy requirements of any Pokemon you put in your deck. If that Pokemon uses colorless energies but is a different type than the other Pokemon that you will be using that will work, but as I said stick with 1 or 2 specific types and fill in with Colorless Pokemon.

Don't forget - 40 card deck - 4 Prize cards. Rule of thumb 1 Prize cards for every 10 cards in a deck.

It's great to see that folks are following this blog. It gives me a good reason to continue, but I would love to hear from you. Please leave any questions or suggestions for future discussions.

Next Time: Battle Roads are Coming - Good tournaments for starting Players.

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