Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New season starting, time to clean out the cards...

Well we have a new season starting September. New league promos are coming out and 4 sets are being rotated out. We can no longer use (for modified tournaments) cards from Diamond and Pearl, DP Mysterious Treasures, DP Secret Wonders, DP Great Encounters. No more Psychic Lock Gardivoir or Gallade, and bye, bye Claydol. I am going through all of our cards and taking all those sets out of our deck building collection.

We are working on new trainer engines and can't wait to see what the other players come up with. There are still lots of Heart Gold Soul Silver Undaunted events around to do. Looking forward to building new decks with new cards and getting ready for Fall Battle Roads. Go to for details. Dates and registration times.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

HGSS - Undaunted Pre-Release Events Start This Weekend!

There are new and exciting Pokemon Cards coming to town. Be sure and visit to find a pre-release event near you. Whether you are a beginner or experienced player a pre-release is a great way to get cards from the new set before they are available in stores and meet other players. See my earlier post about pre-release events for more information.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

After Worlds a New Season Begins...

Well, well, well, I stopped posting for a while. I wasn’t sure if anyone would ever see it so I sort of dropped it. Since my son has won his spot at the world championship tournament in Hawaii, lots of people have been asking me to explain the game of Pokemon. So I thought since I already wrote it all out I would just update my blog.

All the information about Organized Play, tournaments and leagues is still valid. Please read the earlier posts.

There are some format changes coming in September. All card sets that came out prior to Diamond and Pearl “Majestic Dawn” will be retired and only sets from Legends Awakened on will be “legal “ for tournament play. Level X’s are no longer being made and now there are new “Prime” Pokemon and 2 card legendary Pokemon. On a personal note my 15 year old will now be a master, not a senior so now instead of having to play his brother in every tournament he will probably have to play me. Since he beats me most of the time, I don’t think he minds very much.

Pokemon League is the best place for your child (and yourself) to learn about the game, the rules, how to play and find out how to build a deck. In the coming weeks I will be posting information about decks we have built, why we built them and how they work…or not. Your positive input, comments and questions are always welcome.

Going to Worlds!!!

Going to Worlds…

Well after 4 years of playing in tournaments all over the tri-state area, hours at league and practicing at home my 14 year old son finished top 4 in the US National Championship tournament. Now we get a free trip to the World Championship in Hawaii. I am so happy.